
EFL Finals

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    THR the US' declining relative influence over global governance
  • EFL Semifinals

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    THBT first generation immigrants should raise their children to fully integrate into their new country, and completely abandon attempts to establish links to their country of origin
  • Grand Final

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    TH, as the feminist movement, would advocate for aggressive government intervention to counteract behaviours which the feminist movement determines are predominantly the outcome of adaptive preference
  • Semifinals

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    THR the "quantitative turn" in the social sciences
  • Quarterfinals

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    TH, as an altruistically-minded graduate, would follow the 80,000 Hours approach to their professional career rather than joining an altruistic organisation
  • Octofinals

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    TH, as a Muslim majority SEA nation, would reject Saudi Arabian investments in education
  • Partial Octofinals

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    In areas characterized by significant ethnic and religious cleavages, THP a system of delegative democracy over a system of collusive democracy
  • Round 6

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    THW legalise and actively incentivise the use of university bonds.
  • Round 5

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    THBT Southeast Asian nations should actively move towards the consolidation of a regional alliance at the expense of seeking stronger ties with non-regional allies (e.g. by forming closer intra-ASEAN defence ties, increasing ASEAN economic integration etc).
  • Round 4

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    THBT investors should be required to invest a significant proportion of their portfolios in the real economy.
  • Round 3

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    THW grant the WHO, in times of crisis, coercive powers to gather information about suspected infectious disease outbreaks and to enforce its policy recommendations.
  • Round 2

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    THBT the Democratic Party leadership should publicly commit to using 'procedurally activist' congressional tactics to pursue their policy objectives.
  • Round 1

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    THBT historically discriminated groups should abandon narratives of historical redress in their campaign for equality.